The arts have a vital role in our worship. The arts include visual arts as well the design of the worship space. Of all the arts, music has traditionally had a prominent role in Lutheran worship. Music invites the participation of those who are gathered to worship, and helps to form a unity of shared expression from the individual voices in the assembly.
The primary voice in worship is the voice of the congregation. The voice of our congregation in song at our 10:30 AM worship is strengthened and supported by Chancel Choir. The Chancel Choir leads congregational singing of hymns, and, at most gatherings, offers its own sung proclamation and praise for the benefit of all who are gathered.
Chancel Choir rehearsals vary between Sundays following worship and Wednesday evenings at 7 PM from September to May. If you are interested in participating in the Chancel Choir, please contact Eric Gombert, our Cantor. You may also reach him by phone at 610.435.1641. You do not need to be a member of St. John’s to sing in our choir.
The Organ Click HERE to visit the LVAGO website listing of our pipe organ